I'll be posting a series of trees, complied from screenshots of ones from Ancestry.com. If you're not an Ancestry member and you'd like to explore further on your own, please let me know, and I'd be happy to add you as a guest to the tree.
The first tree is the one for my Great-Grandfather, Antonio D'Amore, who began what I refer to as the "New York Branch":
Better viewed fullsize here:
As mentioned in an earlier post, Antonio was the son of Ferdinando II, who was himself the son of Cirillo D'Amore. Cirillo had six children.
Here is what I refer to as the "Children of Cirillo":
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In addition to Ferdinando, Cirillo's sons Daniele and Michelangelo had progeny that immigrated to America, both responsible for establishing some of the most prominent lines. The children and grandchildren of Daniele wound up in Philadelphia, and the children and grandchildren of Michelangelo, through his son Massimino, wound up in Boston.
If you are able to trace your D'Amore roots back to either Daniele or Michelangelo, we are 1st, 2nd, or 3rd cousins.
Cirillo was the son of Ferdinando I, who was one of the three sons of Nicola Giuseppe D'Amore and Giovanna Carmina Nicolina D'Amore.
Nicola and Giovanna had seven children in total:
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The descendents of their three children Stefano, Luigi and Ferdinando form the most dominant portions of the D'Amore trees and their progeny are responsible for establishing hundreds of D'Amore subchapters and families worldwide. If you are able to trace your D'Amore roots back further, to either Stefano, Luigi or Ferdinando I, we are more likely 4th cousins, albeit probably several times removed.
We are still working on discovering more about this particular line, I just wanted to get the ball rolling with this introduction to what I consider to be the main branch.
I'll be posting other trees soon, specifically the Philly and Boston branches, as well as others created by our most significant ancestors who are responsible for starting large families which have migrated all over the world.
If you believe you may be connected to this tree or are related to the D'Amore from Montefalcione in any way, please contact me, it would be my pleasure to try and determine how you may be related.